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How to Touch Up and Repair Stained Concrete Floors

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Learn how to Touch Up and Repair Stained Concrete Floors

There are a few techniques to remedy stained and marred concrete floors: anim building solutions Stained Concrete Floors Tribuz Interiors Touchups Repair

Using Concrete Dye

But concrete dye is also a great way to touch up problem spots(ad) (ad), intensify colors, or give visual interest to your entire stained floor. Dyes are available in many different colors, and you can apply it with a sprayer, brush or sponge to match existing colour likewise. They work their way deep within the concrete to make lasting changes and improvements.

Applying Tinted Sealers

Touch-up: Tinted sealer can be brushed over minor blemishes or color variations to blend in an aggregate floor pattern. Water and solvent based tinted sealers are made with different gloss levels from matte to full shine even though both water as well additive base formats. They can be custom-stained to match the floor-purchase a flooring-grade version not polyurethane which will affect adherence of touches.

To adjust the overall color darker over large areas a translucent stain or dye can be applied across the entire floor. It’s especially useful for those if you’re trying to darken floors that were too light when first sanded.

Microtopping Over an Old Surface

If the color of your floor, however still has life in it but with a few areas where damage is major, you can have new surface on top through thin concrete overlay or microtopping. Integral colored or stained appearance in addition to the application Regardless of the touch-up you use, surface preparation and sealing make a world of difference. To learn more, feel free to get in touch with a professional concrete flooring service that will offer customized advice on bringing your floor back up.

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