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Removing Minor Scratches from Your Car

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Handling Minor Car Scratches: How to Maintain Proper Appearance for an Automobile The frustrating reality of having a polished car is that it will never fail to develop scratch removal (ad) Thankfully, there are a few different ways to deal with such marks, depending on their degree of severity.

Understanding Scratch Types

Light Scratches – This is able to be lightly helped by polishing compounds and refreshed! Scratches are the worst thing, but those products that contain micro-abrasive particles work well. The application process usually consists of applying the substance and then rubbing it in a circular motion with a sponge or cloth until you hear an audible “squeak” which tells you that the scratches are starting to fade/wear down.

Moderate to Heavy Scratches: For scratches that reach further than the clear coat and still visible when wet, you will need to take a more aggressive approach. This usually includes a finer wooden sanding along with polishing to treat the surface. The secret is to go carefully and gently in small areas at once not damage the nail bed even more.

Application Techniques

Polishing Compounds: Great for small scratches, use with a microfiber towel. You have to work in small patches applying even pressure and not over-scrub as it would make the car look more terrible4.

Deeper Scratch Sanding: If the scratch is so deep that polishing compounds cannot do much, you may need to sand them. Begin with a sandpaper of finer grit and then proceed to one of higher grade when repairing the area before polishing. This can be used to blend in the repaired area with the rest of your paint.

Maintenance Tips

Normal polishing: use a coating of wax to the appropriate solution for endearing shine, and for protecting scratchless paint.

Select Products Wisely — not all products are created equally and some may better serve your needs than others. If you are not sure which to purchase, it would be better to check in the reviews and even visit some professional people on the matter.

If fact, by using the proper products and understanding how to use them properly you can get rid of rock chips or touch them up so that they are not noticeable as well (check out this article here).

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