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Fixing Los Santos Customs Glitch in GTA V

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When the Los Santos Customs in Grand Theft Auto V glitch, it can cause major gameplay issues that will only hinder your progress through our beloved San Andreas. Here are a few good ways of fixing this glitch:

Restart the Mission

One of the solutions is as simple as relaunching the mission you are currently on. This usually does the trick if there is any software glitch which doesn’t allow the game to run as intended. The bug appears to fix itself when the player restarts their game, but others have also reported that it took several restarts to get rid of the glitch for good.

Console Restart

If restarted the mission failed, try restarting Your console Doing this also helps in removing any cached data that might have led to the issue. Reboot your computer, then launch GTA V and try the mission once more. Reportedly, other users faced the same issue but this step has resolved it for a lot of those.

Delete Game Data

If all else fails, you may have to delete the game data (not save data) and redownload the game.GTA V Glitch Fix (ad) In this case, we have a more radical solution but many times it is the only way to solve problems that do not go away using other means. In case you want to use this option, backup your save data so you do not lose progress4.

With this, players can fix the Los Santos Customs glitch and proceed playing without any breaks.

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