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Weight Lifting After Valve Replacement Surgery

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Requirements For Weight Lifting After Valve Replacement Surgery There are certain rules to be followed post valve replacement surgery to make sure that it heals well and one does not end up having complications. Some Important Points To Note

Post-Op Instructions for the Next 3 Days

Avoid heavy lifting of more than 10 lbs in early healing phase This is important to prevent putting any unnecessary stress on the sternum and tissues around which are still healing from the surgical operation.

Avoid Pushing and Pulling Activities: This includes activities that require pushing or pulling with the arms. Such moves stretch on the chest area and delay healing.

Hygiene Practices

Bathing: While absolute bed rest is not necessary, tub baths during the first 4-6 weeks will break down the stitches preventing proper healing, whereas showering is permitted. This is to avoid the moisture away from the surgery site which might cause infection.

Water temperature: Do not take showers, baths with water too hot as this can bring on dizziness and weakness that may restrict your recovery.

Long-Term Considerations

Slowly Return To Work Out: Additionally, you will need to slowly return to weight lifting and your normal activities after the initial healing phase. Meeting with a healthcare provider or physical therapist can help developing an exercise plan that caters to the extent of recovery for each person.

Listen to Your Body: In the rush we can also ignore signals from our bodies. If you are experiencing pain or significant discomfort during exercise, it might be time to rethink your exercise routine.

Following these guidelines, people can facilitate their recovery following the valve replacement surgery and avoid risks of premature physical strain.valve replacement (ad)

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