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Where to Repair Armor in WoW Classic

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How To Repair Armor in WoW Classic In World of Warcraft Classic armor repair is a crucial aspect to keeping your character performing their best in battle. A detailed walkthrough of repair services and durability management of your gear.

Identifying Repair NPCs

You can find many Repair NPCs in different places of the whole Azeroth. Following are some takeaways.

Locations: Many major cities (Stormwind, Orgrimmar, etc) have at least one NPC that will repair your items. Furthermore, the minor hamlets contain their own blacksmiths or armor merchants who have the ability to repair.

NPC Icons: Search vendors out that contain an anvil icon when highlighted with your cursor; This icon informs that they are capable of repairing your items.

How to Repair Your Gear

Here is how you can repair your armor.

Interact with the NPC: Walk to the NPC carrying the anvil icon.

Open The Repair Window: Open the vendor window of your shop.

Choose Repair: On the shop menu screen, there is an anvil with a gold + sign on it; this button selects all equipped items for repairing.

Tips for Managing Durability

Keep Your Gear In RepairMake a point to check your gear’s durability after battles. Thus, this prevents expensive repairs when things are very broken.

Gather Resources: Do quests and collect loot, then sell said loot for copper or silver – this will pay off in the form of helping to fund repair costs. Keep in mind high tiered monsters arent always what you should be killing remember even low level mobs have valueable drops

Players need to know where repair NPCs can be found and how to best take advantage of their services to ensure that their characters are ready for battle at all times in WoW Classic.

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