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Achilles Surgery Recovery: When Can You Start Working Out?

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When Should You Begin Working Out Again After Achilles Surgery? Achilles surgery is certainly not the most pleasant treatment or injury recoveries and one that needs adequate attention with rehabilitation protocols to promote healing and prevent further complications. What are the recovery time, exercise recommendations and physical therapy goals after Achilles tendon surgery?

Exercise Recommendations & Recovery Timeline

Phase I (Weeks 1-2 after surgery)

The first 2 weeks after surgery we are concentrating on protection of the repair and inflammation.AchillesRecovery (ad) Patients are almost always non weight bearing and use crutches or a scooter. Initially, it is very important to avoid any aggressive active or passive range of motion exercises to prevent excessive tendon stress14.

Early Rehab (3-6 Weeks)

For the next two weeks, heel is allowed with a boot on, and by 3 weeks or about patients can begin weightbearing to tolerance in a boot. Although gentle passive range of motion exercises are initiated, no dorsiflexion is applied further than neutral. This helps restore strength of the surrounding muscles23 with isometric contractions of all types as part of a general strengthening programme. At six weeks, patients are typically allowed full weight-bearing and can begin with light resistance exercises while still avoiding aggressive movements4.

Weeks 7-12: Mid-Rehabilitation phase

The boot can be weaned off after week seven when patients can start doing more dynamic exercises. Include balance and gentle range of motion, but should avoid over stretching Achilles tendon for at least postoperative week 1234.

Back to Activities (3-6 months)

At three months low-impact activities such as cycling or swimming are usually allowed. Running will restart about five months after surgery12, if the person is in good condition and not experiencing pain nor swelling. There is usually a 6-month course of return to sports, with subjective evaluation of comfort and stability45.

Suggestions and tips for a successful recovery

Plenty Of Rest: It is necessary to rest and avoid pushing through pain while in recovery.

Watch Healing: Observe the wound and make sure that it is not swollen or there are no signs of radical scar building.

Seek Medical Advice: Always follow the exact advice of your own health team, as how individuals heal postnatal is highly individual.

To summarize, patients should avoid forceful range of motion exercises at 10-12 weeks post-surgery but light physical activity can begin around three months, and full sports participation is typically allowed by six months. Taking the time to rehabilitate properly will mean less likely occurrence should you return immediately after an injury.

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