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How to Alleviate Sore Throat from Vaping

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Dehydrations Tips and Remedies Throaty Sourness Due to Vaping Be it high PG E-Liquids or 70/30 Nic Shots, poor dehydration might also lead up in a soar throat. It means we need to know the causes and thus remedies of that discomfort so than one get relief from our pain.

Understanding the Causes

Dry throat and dehydration: Propylene glycol (a humectant found in many e-liquids) can have a dehydrating effect on the skin of your throat. When you vape, stay hydrated When you suffer from throat discomfort140 Honeydew Juice. 135

Type of E-liquid you use: The type and ratio;propylene glycol (PG) to vegetable glycerin ((VG)(1), in your e -liquor can really say how much throat hit it has. More PG means more of the throat hit, VG usually is smoother24. The symptoms that can be eased by adjusting this ratio include:

Nicotine Strength: Throat hits are also closely associated with high nicotine strengths. If you find that the sensation is too harsh, try using lower-strength e-liquids or maybe use nicotine salts instead for a smoother experience23.

Effective Remedies

Drink Lots of Fluids: Keep your throat wet by drinking water or warm herbal teas. Warm fluids can help in reduction of soreness15.

Combining a ½ teaspoon of salt into hot water and then gargling — can help to decrease inflammation, providing some natural pain relief12.

Throat Lozenges: Sucking on lozenges or hard candies can provide temporary relief by moistening the throat, but avoid those containing menthol as it may aggravate irritation15.

Experiment with inhaling: Changing the way you vape (taking slower puffs) can help ease throat hit In addition, perhaps you could have smaller number of puffs or space them further apart34.vaping (ad)

These may further irritate your throat or make symptoms like wheezing worse. Consider avoiding smoke, pollution and strong scents while you recover from a sore throat due to vaping16

Add Moisture into the air: Those suffering with dry throat, (14) can loosen that up a little by employing a humidifier.

Choose not to vape for a bit: If you continue having symptoms still then take breaks, until throat has healed16.

Learn about these factors and the solutions so that you can enhance your vaping experience with reduced strain.

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