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How to Create a Fork Repository on GitHub

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How to Create a Fork Repository on GitHub Creating fork repository in github is so simple which lets you work independently bfore making changes applicable since throug coupling of codebase. A comprehensive walkthrough on how to set this up with a few insights about its advantages and workflow.

Create Fork Repository

Go to the repository in Github: Next step is locating the podspec file on your github.

Fork The Repository: On the top right of repository page, you will see “fork” option click on it. This to creates a repository copy under your GitHub account.

Fork it and clone the resulting repository using:

bashgit clone :YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORK.git

Add a Description — Go into your cloned repository folder and make any changes you desire.

Push changes back: Once you are done with your update, commit the codes to push them back into in yiur own forked git repository on GitHub.

bashgit add.

$ git commit -m “Your commit message”

git push origin main

Learn the advantages of Forking

Sheilds from Changes: Forking keeps changes isolated and separate until you decide to apply them. This is especially helpful in different types of collaborative environments where several authors are drafting content at the same time.

Submit changes by Pull Requests: After you make modifications in your fork, submit these back to upstream repository using a pull request. A process that helps developers collaborate and review code.

Syncing with Upstream: Regularly, you will want to ensure that your fork is in sync the latest changes from the original repository (upstream).

Common Use Cases for Forking

Contribution to Open Source: Many open source projects encourage contributors by allowing them to fork the code and work towards making existing live with better.

Experiments seePersonal Projects: You might want to have fork of the project customized with things you need only for personal reasons or testing.

Between learning and experimentation: One can fork repositories to learn Git, workflows of GitHub, without disturbing the original projects.

This way you can easily create and maintain your fork of any public repository in github which will help you to improve coding skills as well co-operative work.

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