Fastest Ways to Earn Honorbound Reputation
Players do have a multi-pronged way to aid them grind the reputation of Honorbound fast far more effectively. Here are the key strategies:
Complete the War Campaign
You absolutely have to progress a little further in the War Campaign. These initial quests open up different zones and some rep. Every quest in this campaign gives a good amount of reputation, especially the further you get into the storyline14.
Engage in Island Expeditions
Another method is to complete Island Expeditions. This weekly quest, which requires that players earn 40,000 Azerite at level cap this week — meaning you might be in for a bit of grinding to get there if not yet 120 — grants up to 1.5k reputation each week. In addition, expeditions can award players with a Rusted Horde Insignia which awards 250 reputation.
Daily and World Quests
You need daily quests to fill in the gaps especially those that are found into warfronts as they will all boost your reputation. These are worth 150 rep points at most for each quest. In addition, by doing world quests in Kul Tiras is worth it too as they also give a respectable amount of 120 rep each56.
Utilize Contracts
Players can purchase a 7th Legion contract from the Auction House and doing so will reward them with bonus reputation when completing world quests in any Battle for Azeroth zone. This is obviously just nice and easy until you can do it alongside playing games24.
Do the Faction Assaults
Some Faction Assaults, when active can be very juicy and offer up to a 1k reputation for some quests in those events.Honorbound Reputation (ad) These are periodic assaults that feel a lot like the prior legion invasions23.
Combining these methods — War Campaign, Island Expeditions, daily quests, contracts and Faction Assaults can be used for your best options as far Honorbound Reputation farming.