hernia recovery (ad)com/thmb/sTFViX7RwY_Wqbs7wHaKmSbkzAI=/1500×0/filters:no_upscale%28%29:max_bytes%28150000%29:strip_icc%28%29/hernia-surgery-in-detail-3157226_FINAL-ab113759eb27456b827498ca8db5c99b.png”>
How Long is Recovering Time After Hernia Surgery There are a number of factors that can greatly vary the time it takes to return back work after herniated surgery. Most people can return to work in 1 or 2 weeks, although on-the-job activities may need to be limited for some period of time.
Recovery Time Influenced by:
Location: Different types of hernias (e.g. inguinal, umbilical) have differing difficulties in the surgical process and subsequent healing time
Surgical Technique: For some procedures such as laparoscopic or robotic surgeries, patients may have a faster recovery than with traditional open surgeries.
Local Health: For many people, it is a lot easier to get well if they are younger and healthier than when they already have other illnesses or old.
Post-Surgery Recommendations:
Active movement — Walking is one of the active exercises you can do to help with some healing.
No heavy lifting and strenuous exercise: For 4 to 6 weeks after treatment you want to avoid this so that the stitches are not compromised with related complications.
Obviously all this differs, and essentially anyone can return to work in a week if they do something that is not too physically demanding. Following your healthcare provider’s guidelines about safely returning to daily activities is important.