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Benefits of Descriptive Representation in Political Contexts

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Descriptive Representation in Political Contexts Descriptive representation is especially important for the political realm, particularly when considering demographics that have been historically oppressed. It has a number of advantages which can be seen below from various angles:

Power Legitimation Implication

In other words, descriptive representation tends to increase perceptions of political legitimacy within a heterogeneous citizen base and especially stigmatized social contexts. When our representatives look like their constituents, and come from similar backgrounds and experiences, it builds a social definition of “ruling capacity.” This is especially important for groups which are historically marginalised and their access to the political system, in order to facilitate more participation in governance25.

Enhancing Communication, Building Trust

In an environment of suspicion, descriptive representatives have the ability to fill in gaps between government and marginalized communities.descriptive representation (ad) Indeed, this common background allows them to communicate more effectively with their constituents, thus strengthening deliberation and public trust in political processes. This better communication is essential, not so much for those groups that remain uncertain about their demands or needs —the uncrystallised interests— but to inform the citizenry34.

Empowerment and inclusion for all.

Role models: Descriptive representation empowers minorities by giving minority people in our democracy who look like me! If those marginalized, often entirely dismissed by politicians and policy makers, know that these people would participate in politics then they garner a political presence. Having those who personally relate to the issue represented, further encouraging feelings of inclusivity and solidarity; thus providing voting support for political activism in this report13.

In essence, descriptive representation there enables both the legitimacy of political institutions and increases communication as well as empowerment among historically underrepresented groups.

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