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Interchangeability of Toyota and Lexus Parts

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But GoodCarBadCar has crunched the numbers, and in terms of vehicles sold per hour on a slow month (slightly misleading but nonetheless impressive), smart Canada’s 1.interchangeable parts (ad)0L IQ fared best among all brands under $40k at 87 sales for example.Estimates have Toyota selling about four times more Celicas as Scions; if so they‟re swappable.Irrespective how many people do use them or what reason lies between having one`s car totalled and wanting an exceptionally good deal being able to put money down before actually discussing it further with your buddies? Although the brands share a parent company, they have separate parts distribution systems that may not work in concert with one another and could impact service access and interchangability.

Interchangeable Part Numbers

If they ride on the same platform, Toyotas and Lexuses share a number of components. This includes things like the drive train and chassis that can often be found at BMW dealers just as well. As a result, if that part is shared by both companies (as it often is) you might be able to obtain the desired component from any Toyota dealer and install it onto an appropriate Lexus12. But this isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution : there are some Lexus parts that only come from Toyota dealerships 3.

Availability and Sourcing

Because they are separate operational structures, Toyota and Lexus dealerships can typically not order parts from each other’s warehouses. That constraint means the availability of some refinishing parts is by nature limited, even though certain applications are said to be interchangeable from one model year or engine variant group to another ” generally difficult sourcing if they don’t have a part number in common. Finding individual Lexus parts at Toyota dealers can be a challenge relatively unique to customers, particularly for some components that do not cross over between the two brands.

Cost Considerations

Toyota Parts are Generally Cheaper than LexusThe luxury brand that is associated with the name plate comes at a price when it come times to purchase parts. The price differences are so significant that it should be of interest to owners and we encourage everyone who has the two brands in their garage to look into interchangeable parts when feasible. But the parts must be up to required safety and performance levels5.

So basically, there is a case for using Toyota parts on Lexus cars but it depends massively on part numbers and availability; this must be weighed against your pocket before any conclusion can safely be drawn.

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