Resolved: There are a few ways to regain administrative access if you run into issues with missing Administrator account in Windows 10. Fix Missing Admin I have two laptops which i use frequently, the work Laptop whislt works and my personal laptop that also allows me… Here are a few ways to solve this problem and return homescreen control back to the users.
Add Another Administrator Account
If the primary Administrator account is missing, you can resolve this issue by creating a new administrator account. You can do it via Command prompt as below —
Launch Command Prompt with admin access.
Use the command:
bashnet user NewAdmin Password /add
sudo net localgroup administrators newadmin /add
Changing the user and password to one of your liking (correctly set but you get the idea which): NewAdmin & Password.
This will help you create a new account with admin. privileges without having to deal with missing user account problem.
2. Switch Local Account to Administrator
You should be able to change a standard user account into an administrator one:
Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
Run the command:
bashnet loaclgroup administrators YourUsername /add
Change YourUsername to your exact username.
This will give administrative privileges to the user you created, essentially full system access.
3.missing administrator account (ad) Activate Built-in Administrator Account
Enable hidden built-in Administrator account in Windows
Open Command Promptot as Administrator
Now, let’s enable the user managing this PCbashnet user administrator /active:yes
Turn it on, log out and sign-out the Administrator account on the welcome screen.
This tactic can be extremely handy when all else does not work, as you have a certain way to restore access.
4. Use iCacls Command
Advanced users can use the iCacls command to restore permissions like so:
Run Command Prompt as Admin.
bashicacls C:\UsersYourUsername /grant YourUsername:F Script: Full Text5403 linesToggle View SourceThe first line above is the call to bash shell followed by an argument.
The command above gives ra,w permissions to your user directory, if you have permission issues with for example your accounts it might fix things.
Refresh/Reset Your PC
If all else fails and you cannot restore admin access on your computer, consider refreshing or resetting Windows. This process performs a reinstall of Windows keeping system files but no personal data!
Open up Settings >
Update & Security > Recovery
You can then proceed to Reset this PC and follow the instructions.
Use this as a very last resort because it can uninstall the installed applications.
6. System Restore
If the problem occurred after recent changes or updates, doing a system restore will revert your computer back to an older time where Administrator account was working:
Boot into Recovery options when starting (press Shift about restarting )
Click on System Restore and follow the instructions.
So how does this help and solve any issues that updates or installations of software has broken our ability to get into the account?