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Anchoring Structures in EVE Online: A Comprehensive Guide

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Anchorable Objects in EVE Online – Module / Resource (a complete Handbook)

In EVE Online, anchoring a structure (like a Citadel) is straight forward but players are bound by rules and limitations to do so successfully. This entails understanding of mechanics along with strategic placing in order for the stability and functionality of structure.

Anchoring Basics

Preparation Requirements:

Structures must be anchored by players assuming specific roles: Station Manager, Director or CEO.

To carry the Citadel along with appropriate cargo space a suitable ship is important.

Placement Mechanics:

Anchor location: Hold the Citadel, use LMB to move it until you see a blue outline indicating that this is an anchoring position.

As such, the rotation of the structure to enable the best orientation can be accomplished with right mouse button.

Place the structure, it should turn to red color and “Anchor” button won’t work.anchoring structures (ad)

Distance Regulations:

The main restriction is that citadels must be anchored outside 1000 km from any existing stations or asteroid belts.

The structure should be placed 50–75 km (31-46 mi) away from the anchoring ship and its size.

Anchoring Duration:

There is a 15-minute long vulnerability window when the mesh resource has been created but deploying them before anchor starts (usually around 24 hours after creation)

Strategic Considerations

Location Selection• The location must be far-off from traffic to protect it from a sudden attack during anchoring.

Using Upwell Structures – There are a few types of Citadels (Astrahus, Fortizar and Keepstar) to choose from depending on what you need them for.

Common Challenges

Proximity Rules and Dead Space Pockets — Invalid placements that cause players issues may be related to too nearby other structures, or inside dead space pockets.

The information on how this can be used in different sec zones (high/low/null) contributes a great deal to your stratagem and winrates.

Players who take the time to read these guidelines and grasp how it all works, will have their structures locked solid in EVE Online, readying them for whatever future operations allow.

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