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Can a Chiropractor Make a Herniated Disc Worse?

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Can a Chiropractor Cause More Damage to the Herniated Disc?

One of the many misconceptions is about those with herniated discs that chiropractic adjustments will not help them, but make it worse. But no, it is not. Chiropractors are highly trained providers who understand the anatomy of the spine and can deliver safe, effective care for herniated discs. They will check the spinal health and will perform a very mild adjustment at the site that is responsible for your pain to relieve the discomfort of you and provide some healing.

Herniated Disc Treatment non-surgical Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and drug free method of treatment that will help in alleviating herniated disc pain. It is designed to correct the alignment and motion of the spine, which can help take pressure off the involved disc and nerves. To help inflammation, and support recovery from LCL tears, chiropractors may use several techniques including spinal manipulation, flexion-distraction therapy (i.e. stretching), and soft tissue massage.

While chiropractic care is generally safe, all kinds of treatment have risks. Nonetheless, the risks associated with these procedures are relatively negligible compared to the potential benefits of engaging in chiropractic care for herniated discs. If you are suspicious of the safety of chiropractic care, it is advisable that you communicate your doubts with a qualified professional prior to initiating a treatment.

A good chiropractor with experience in dealing with herniated discs may be able to help reduce the pain and irritation associated with the condition without further harm. Chiropractic care also serves to heal the body by realigning and restabilizing the spine, and incr easing one’s quality of life. If you have a herniated disc, you may want to see a chiropractor who can help determine the best course of action.herniated disc treatment (ad)

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