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Can Blocked Arteries Repair Themselves? Understanding Arterial Health

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Is It Possible For Blocked Arteries To Cure Themselves? Arterial Health The knowledge available in powerful lifestyle strategies to stabilize blocked arteries and rarely repair them completley. Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of plaque, which is a mixture of fats, cholesterol and other substances. Though, there are no real “magic bullets” that will instantaneously melt existing plaque away; certain lifestyle changes can help stop more from collecting and improve overall heart health.

Living healthy for your heart

Diet modifications: Eating a heart-healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins may help control cholesterol level as well as the growth of plaques. Again, the foods naturally high in omega-3 fatty acids — fish come to mind first thing— along with those that are low on saturated fats were of particular interest.

Exercise: Regular exercise can increase circulation, decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol levels to maintain healthy arteries.

Tobacco Cessation: One of the biggest determinants of cardiovascular health and preventing additional plaque to form is quitting -smoking.artery health (ad)

Medical Interventions

If arteries are severely occluded the patient may need medical procedures done. Options include:

Angioplasty: A nonsurgical procedure where a catheter with a balloon attached is inserted into the artery to open it up, then sometimes keep it supported if needed (called stenting).

Bypass Surgery: In the most extreme cases, bypass surgery creates an alternative flow of blood to go around the clogged artery.


Yes, an artery cannot really unclog itself but healthy habits will provide protection against additional blockages and depending on the type of plaque simply stabilize it. Medical intervention is still necessary for people with advanced blockages to correct blood flow.

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