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Can Nerves in the Body Repair Themselves?

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Do nerves in the body repair themselves? When nerves in the body are damaged, they have an exceptional capacity to launch their own repairs. This process is initiated by the retraction of nerve fibers (axons) for an approximately one month period of rest. After this, new growth starts to occur on the axons: normally about 1 mm each day.

Mechanisms of Nerve Repair

Wallerian Degeneration:

After injury, the portion of damaged nerve between the axon and cell body disintegrates through Wallerian degeneration to clear a path for new regrowth. It is important because it eliminates inhibitory agenst that would progressively decrease regeneration and happens in the first seven days after injury13.

Axonal Regeneration:

The regenerated axons following Wallerian degeneration. The proximal stump of the lesioned nerve gives rise to multiple daughter axons but most will die back if they fail to reach their destination3. This rate can vary among individuals but is typically 1–3 mm/day and dependent on factors such as age, health etc.


Re-innervation of target tissues, the last stage in regeneration without which there can be no restoration of function. The percentage of recovery is based on whether the regenerating axons are aligned and connected to their correct end-organs14.

Challenges in Nerve Repair

Ultimately, although the body has mechanisms to rebalance itself over time and repair through patterns of metabolism and energetics, but there are still many challenges that can prevent recovery:

Severity of the Injury — In some cases, won’t work effectively for more severe injuries. For example, if greater than 90% of axons are damaged by an injury it is often the case that surgical intervention offers optimal recovery12.

Time exists but does not directly contribute Time Delays: Surgical repair delays can result in chronic situations where the time YoUof motoneurons for regeneration will be lost when on sine becoming permanent5.nerve repair (ad)

Pathfinding of Regrowing Axons: Mal-direction by considering the paths occupied by regenerating axons has been confirmed to result in depressed functional outcomes3.


Broadly, nerves can repair themselves via the programmed process of degeneration and regeneration known as Wallerian Degeneration (WD) followed by reinnervation but numerous pathways may be involved in altering this response. It guides for better therapy in future treatments of nerve injury.

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