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Can Rubber-Soled Boots Be Resoled?

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Are Rubber Sole Boots Resolable? Rubber-soled boots are actually resole-able so you can get more life out of them. Read on to get the lowdown of resoling process and important factors in consideration for re-sole VIVOBAREFOOTs!

How The Resoling Process Works

Types of Soles:

Resole: Brass Tacked Leather Soles or Rubber Soles (Rubber soles are easier to resole generally than leather) Good traction, Durable

Leather Soles: Resoles usually take some time, may not hold up as well under hard use.

When to Resole:

Check for wear like worn out soles, separations or cracks Preventing more extensive damage to the boot’s upper will require early intervention 12.

Benefits of Resoling:

Value for Money: The longer you make your boots last, the less often would have to buy new ones ultimately saving you a decent amount of money.

Longevity: Replacing the sole can extend the life of a pair more existing shoes1.

Resole Before the Leather Wears Through: For most of us, we love our boots and they quickly become a part of the story that is your life.resoling boots (ad)1

Professional Cobblers for Design

Expertise Matters:

Different types of boot require a different type of cobbler. You’ll want to get one who has experience with resoling rubber soled boots, which can be tough to find.

Quality of Materials:

Make sure the cobbler who is doing all of this adds a good replacement sole, Blur chip soles from Vibram or Dainite, as will increase sturdiness and grip2.

Considerations for Resoling

Boot Construction:

Resoling capability — depends on the original construction of the boot In one of several examples they cite, Goodyear-welted boots can typically be resoled more easily than those made by less durable methods35.

Frequency of Resoling:

Rubber soles may wear out faster than leather in the case of a heavy use. Perform routine checks to know when it is time for resoling

In short, resoling rubber-soled boots is viable and a great way to make sure your footwear stays in top quality for as long as possible. If you do the checks for wear and regularly go see a good cobbler, your beloved pair of boots can be as magical to use head even after years.

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