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Challenges in Repairing Apple Products

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The difficulties of fixing Apple productsApple products are so tough to repair because of a number of design decisions and corporate policies which restrict user access in the name of keeping Apple exquisitely, and only-accessibly, perfect.

Design Complexity

Apple uses its own screws and its products often employ custom component designs that are glued or welded together. That aggravates docs users and independent repair people who dont have a room full of stalkers. For example, batteries in many Apple laptops are not consumer-replaceable and instead of being held in with screws are sometimes glued directly to the case, making it a bear to remove.

Parts proprietary and no software freedom

Apple has a walled ecosystem where most things do not go together with non-Apple products. In practise that means, if you get hold of a replacement part, it doesn’t actually work in your device because of the software restrictions…. In the past, Apple pushed software updates that essentially bricked devices repaired with third-party parts, ensuring customers could only use Apple-approved fixes.

The environment vs repairability

Apple has been touting its commitment to environmental sustainability — a stance with which critics charge this repair difficulty is at odds. The company that lives by making things last is also the one that produced a strategy to ensure they would hardly ever be fixable and always be replaceable. You must know the real cost to the planet their business model really has.

So, to wrap this up we have complicated designs, proprietary components and restrictive software policies that all combine to frustrate customers and repair techs alike when trying to fix an apple product.

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