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Consequences of a Repo Man Not Finding Your Car

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When the Repo Man Can’t Find Your Car The legal and financial consequences of a vehicle repossession that a repo man cannot find can follow you for years. In the beginning, if the car is not located, the repossession agency will report back to the lender that they have been unable to locate it. This often means is that the lender will take additional steps, and possibly pursue legal measures to recover what is impermissible.

Seeking Legal Action: The creditor could take legal action against the borrower suing him for the car, and almost nobody wants to happen this situation, do you? The borrower may face large legal bills as a result of this process, called replevin. The borrower can be subject to civil penalties or criminal charges if the car was hidden in violation of a court order145.

Financial Ramifications: On top of legal repercussions, failure to surrender a vehicle can result in higher debt. Both the repo man fees and other costs are usually tacked onto what the borrower owes.repossession (ad) This benefits can create further problems in debt management due to the additional strain on finances356.

Reputable Repossession Agents: Repo agents are experts in their field and will do everything they can to find a car. Through things like GPS technology and access to public records, it is surprisingly difficult to truly hide a car from a repossession agent permanently. The lender will come after you for any deficiency amount, and can be equally as aggressive in their legal pursuit even if the car is only hidden for a while494.

Long story short, hiding a car from a repo man doesn’t get the borrower off scot-free. Instead, it frequently results in more serious circumstances that can only serve to make their situation all the worse.

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