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Dip Repetitions for Optimal Strength Training

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Dip Reps for Superior Strength Programming Performing dips, especially if they are a difficult exercise for you to perform well at this point in your journey; it is important that there be some structure and planning put into them as part of an overall strength definition plan. I discuss the reasoning behind this below and will give you an in-depth breakdown of where your repetition ranges should lie.

Understanding Dips

Dips are another compound exercise that works the triceps, chest and shoulders. It takes a good amount of upper body work and can be done from the weight in your own arms.

Recommended Repetitions

Less Is More: Two to three sets of dips will be sufficient for most. But doing more reps is not the goal; instead, it should be to perform each repetition as perfectly as possible.

Goal: 6 strict reps unbroken per set This allows you to ensure that your muscles are being well targeted and getting stronger.

Progressing with Assisted Dips

If the thought of six strict reps sounds difficult, try assisted dips instead. This tweak to the form assists you as a beginner in building strength but with good posture. These can be done using bands/machines to help decrease the load unless you are a pro.

Benefits of Dips

Dip (Strength Development): Dips are a compound exercise and work multiple muscles at the same time and thus is good for developing overall upper body strength.

Coordination of Muscles: This is important for exercise coordination among the body sytems, and pertains to overall general fitness.

Real World: Dips train everyday movements leading to improved performance in daily activities.


So to sum it up, 2–3×6+ on Dips. If you find it hard to hit this goal, add assisted dips into your workout program so that you can build up strength slowly.upper body strength (ad)

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