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DIY Methods to Remove Car Window Scratches

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Home Method to Get Rid of Car Window Scratches

Here are a number of successful do-it-yourself car window scratch removal or reduction techniques:

The Clear Acrylic Nail Polish Way

One of the simplest solutions is clear acrylic nail polish:

A rigorous cleansing of the scratched region

Paint 2-3 layers of clear nail polish over the scratch

Allow thoroughly to dry between coats

When dry, remove any excess with polish remover.

Gently buff the area with a microfiber cloth

This method works especially well with surface scratches. The nail polish is used to fill in the scratch, then covered with a seal making it less visible. If you want the best results, a acrylic nail polish (ad)(ad) should be used.

Ways to use baking soda and toothpaste

With basic items that most homes have around:

1. Equal parts baking soda and white non-gel toothpaste, mixed together

2. Clean the scratched area

3. Rub the paste on to scratch moving in round circular patterns

4. Now keep rubbing for 1-2 minutes.

5. Clean with water, and dry with a microfiber towel.

6. Repeat if needed

The mild abrasives in this mix act like very fine sandpaper, and they help smooth shallow scratches. But you will likely have to repeat this application route yearly, if scratches start peeking back.

How to Use Glass Polishing Compound

Glass Polishing Compound (slightly deeper scratches)

Clean the scratched area

Buff with a little glass polishing compound

Use a drill with buffing pad attachment to work the compound into and scratch

Massage in circular motion for 1–2 minutes

Wipe away excess and inspect

Repeat if needed

Although this method is harder requires more effort, it can definitely address moderately deep scratches. Never work with glass and a power tool without wearing eye protection.

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