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How to Check and Repair MySQL Database Tables

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How to Verify and Fix MySQL Database Tables There are a number different problems that can occur with a MySql database, including corruption issues. The first thing you would like to do is check and fix these databases so your data integrity will be correct. There are several ways to do this.

Using mysqlcheck Command

mysqlcheck — Check MySQl Database table While Server Running Here’s how to use it:

Check All Databases:

1 : bashmysqlcheck -u -p –all-databases

Repair Specific Tables:

bashmysqlcheck -u -p –repair

Auto-Repair: Repair any corrupting tables automatically during the check.

bashmysqlcheck -u -p –auto-repair –check –all-databases!

This command will inspect all tables in devices and fix them where necessary124


To issue SQL statements directly within the MySQL shell:

Check a Table:


Repair a Table:


These commands are especially good when it comes to debugging issues related to individual tables.MySQL Repair (ad)

3. Engine Specific Repair Procedures

Different repair methods can be needed based on the storage engine used (like MyISAM or InnoDB):

For MyISAM Tables:

Use the myisamchk utility:

bashservice mysql stop

~# myisamchk–recover

service mysql start

For InnoDB Tables:

You need to take a different tack if you are using InnoDB tables, as REPAIR TABLE does not work on this engine. In such case, maybe you have to enable recovery options in the config file and restart the server45


It is no secret that database check-up can boost a database utility life and save you from data loss. Depending on what you need, use things like mysqlcheck or SQL commands/ engine specific utilities.

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