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How to Remove Scratches from Laminate Countertops: Easy DIY Methods

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How to Remove Scratches from Laminate Countertops – Simple DIY ways

Durable and cost-effective surfaces, laminate countertops can still become scratched over time. But the good news is that there are many simple DIY solutions for getting rid of those scratches and ensuring your laminate countertops stay in tip-top condition.

The Baking Soda Method

Shallow, minor scratches:

Put some but not too much warm water in a soft microfiber cloth and then wring out the excess so it is merely damp.

If the nail trick isn’t doing it, try sprinkling baking soda right over the scratch.

Lightly rub the area that is getting cleaned in small circles with a wet cloth

Buff on and continue buffing until the scratch disappears.

Remove with another dry damp cloth.

Baking soda provides a gentle abrasive to help smooth away small scratches without harming the laminate surface. A microfiber cloth (ad)(ad) works best and prevent lint.

Other Effective Methods

If the scratches are deeper, then you can do:

Furniture wax or car wax – Use a soft cloth to buff in circular motions Laminate repair kit -Fill and color match scratches according to the manufacturer instructions Toothpaste (white, non-gel)– Apply toothpaste in small circles similar when using baking soda Pencil eraser- Run an unused pencil eraser gently across very fine scratches Test all methods on inconspicuous areas first. To work out the more extreme ones, get in touch with a specialist or just change your cutting board. While scratches to laminate countertops are inevitable, they can be easily dealt with and by using these simple scratch removal methods in conjunction with extra care your countertops will continue looking fresh for years.

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