Signs of Internal Stitch Complications Following Hernia Surgery Wound dehiscence, is often one the first indications that laparoscopic surgery for a hernia repair has gone awry. This might be due to many reasons like not treating it the proper way or some health issues at base.
Symptoms of Wound Dehiscence
Identifiable Separation: Check for any space within the wound where stitches, staples or even closure glue had broken.
Greater pain — If you experienced greater than normal sustained pain at the incision site, this could be a sign of something wrong.
Fluid Bleeding — Any pathologic drainage like blood or pus may indicate infection, dehiscence.
Wound complications associated with a rise in body temperature can indicate the presence of an infection.
Dehiscence Risk Factors
Operative Technique: If the sutures are improperly performed, it will not be able to complete close up of cut;
Patient Health: Factors such as obesity, diabetes and malnutrition can slow healing time and increase the potential for dehiscence.
Post Op Care: Improper wound care or not following recovery guidelines can also contribute to the problem.
The Need for Early Intervention
However, if you see any signs of dehiscence in your wound, it is crucial to consult a doctor straightaway.wound dehiscence (ad) If treated early, complications are usually mild, but infections (which can spread quickly), and in the worst case — evisceration where internal organs spill out from wounds have been linked to risk factors.
With awareness of the symptoms, and with understanding about what causes a hernia to recur (risk factors), patients can play an invaluable role in improving their chances of recovery post-hernia surgery.