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Meniscus Surgery Recovery: Understanding Knee Flexibility Post-Operation

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Meniscus Surgery Recovery: What To Expect with Knee Flexion in the Days Following Surgery One of the most common questions patients ask after meniscus surgery, particularly a repair is “when can I bend my knee fully?”. Proper healing and avoiding permanent injury is, of course, dependent on this recovery timeline.

Post-Surgery Restrictions

Phase 1: Initial Recovery (0-4 weeks)

Weight Bearing: For the first couple of weeks, patients are usually cautioned against any activities that involve bearing weight. This typically requires the use of crutches and a knee brace to support joint stability.

Activity Restrictions: No twisting, pivoting (rotation), squatting, or deep knee bends for up to approximately four months post-operatively. This is crucial in order to protect the surgical repairs and for an adequate healing.

Physical Therapy Integration:

Early Exercises: Gentle range of motion exercises should be encouraged soon after surgery, but these need to limit the stress on the repair site.meniscus surgery recovery (ad)

Progressive Rehabilitation — as healing allows, physical therapy will introduce increasingly more difficult exercise programs to restore muscle tone and flexibility. Deep squats and the like are still no-gos until a doctor gives you clearance.

Recovery Goals in the Middle and Long Term (from 4 months):

Gradual Return to Activities: Slow return is indicated and after four months, patients may begin performing low-impact activities but should continue refrained from high impact sports or deep knee bends until clearance has been received by the orthopedic surgeon.

Listening to symptoms: Patients should ignore any signal their bodies send them, as an escalation in pain or swelling requires diminishing activity.


In conclusion, full knee bending after meniscus surgery should be at least four months post-operation. Compliance with prescribed stages and a regimented treatment plan.Playing an essential role for quick recovery.

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