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Recovery Time After Meniscus Surgery

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Meniscus surgery Recovery time Meniscus Surgery The recovery process after meniscal repair, keeping in mind that you can walk with a stable limp but not entirely on your own. Scroll down for more of a deep dive into the recovery timeline and restrictions.

Phase I Recover (0-2 weeks)

This is the period of complete immobilization in knee splints you must allow them pass through (2 weeks max), after the problemsolve complicated arthroscopic repairs. That helps to avoid the force on healing tissues.

Bearing Weight: 0 weeks (For meniscectomy), Up to six weeka for repair.

Immediate (Day 0-2) to Early Rehabilitation (Weeks 2 tp4).

Rehabilitation and physical therapy : Physical therapy is initiated early after surgery. Gentle range-of-motion exercises will be your focus during this phase.

Limitations on Activities: There is a limited amount of heavy work or sports allowed during the first 4 to 6 weeks. Patients should advance their activity as tolerated.

In this stage, Kearie experienced what the doctor described as progressive recovery. (6 weeks — 3 months).

Most Noticeable: Light Activities—Many patients return to them by six weeks after surgery. But the recovery period for athletes who had a meniscus repair may be longer, with a return to sports delayed by up three months after surgery.

Drive: Patients can drive their vehicle when they are able to operate the motorcar comfortably with full motility.

Full Recovery (3-6 Months)

Return to Sports: Return to full sports may take three months or as long as six depending on each patient’s healing and adherence with rehab plan.meniscus surgery recovery (ad)

Long term Physical therapy and strengthening exercises are essential to get back full function again as well prevent it from any future injuries.

If we keep in mind that recovery is a process, then knowing the stages will help set realistic expectations after meniscus surgery. Please consult with your doctor or health care provider for any specific advice or recommendations.

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