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Repairing Rotten Plywood: Effective Methods Explained

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Concrete Sealers, Paints and Stains 3-Prime Lock Plus Universal Concrete Primer Description: Prime Lock™ Plus is a high-solids, acrylic latex masonry primer designed to be field mixed with Portland cement on the job site. The choice between these often depends on the severity of damage and cost-related factors.

Replacement Method

Full Rip: You can always do a full rip where the rotten plywood is completely removed and swapped in with new material. Extensive rot is common, handling structural integrity.

The New School Long-Term Solution: More expensive Fresh plywood would solve the lefthand column decay for longer.

Epoxy Treatment

Patch: Similarly, if your rotten areas are smaller and less extensive only the infected plywood deck might be treated using epoxy. The method that we use involves removing the rotted wood and then filling in all those voids with a two-part epoxy compound.

Less Expensive: Epoxy repairs generally cost less than a new installation and are more attractive for small damage.

Epoxy clings tenaciously to wood, forming a moisture-proof barrier and thus helps prevent rot from reoccurring.wood repair (ad)

Factors to Consider

How Much of the Wood is Damaged: Determine how deep into the wood the damage goes. Often there is a need to replace replacement of large areas.

Dry: the balance of your wood must be dry, as epoxy cures best on sound surfaces that are free of excess moisture.

Cure Future: No matter what method, you must first cure the underlying moisture which caused it to happen in the 1st place and correct this problem or a re-occurrence will surely occur.

In conclusion, both have their pros and cons but the choice should be based on how severe the rot is and what type of long-term maintenance you would like to do.

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