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Repairing Scratched Game Discs: Effective Methods and Considerations

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How to repair scratched game discs in 2019 — methods and considerations

For gamers, scratched discs are a big headache and can be a annoying problem but lucky for all of us, there are several tricks out there that may sometime works to fix things up. Superficial scratches can be amended with things you most likely have around the house anyway (petroleum jelly or toothpaste), but deeper scratches are more difficult to deal with. There is an explanation of the tactics and their interpretations.

Surface Scratch Repair

For small scratches, petroleum jelly and toothpaste are among the most common DIY solutions.

Toothpaste: Non-gel varieties may contain mild abrasives that can work for surface-level scratches. The procedure is to add a tiny bit of toothpaste on the plate, twirl it round gently in circles and wash off after few minutes. Toothpaste (for very light scratches; helps for a small amount of time saving the disc)

Petroleum Jelly: Fills in scratches and can help disc surface finish A little dabbed on the scratches directly, left to sit for a bit and then wiped repair (ad) It may also be temporary, but it might give better results for some than the toothpaste method.

Deeper scratches take into account

However, it has problems with deeper scratches. While these methods might provide a short-term comfort, they are not guaranteed ways.

Drawback: These methods work more on superficial harm. Otherwise, if you have deep-care scratch on your disc, these techniques probably will not be enough to fix it and you may need a professional repair or a replacement.

Professional Recovery Options: If you have highly damaged discs, then it is recommended to get a disk repair machine or professional services for their repair. A lath-machine can remove a very thin layer covering the surface of the disc and recover its original function much more efficiently than doing at home.


To sum it up, while household items may fix your scratched game discs temporarily, the fixes are not a long-term solution. For deeper scratches, users should avoid depending on these methods and instead resort to professional alternatives when required. In the end, it is how properly you take care of game discs that prevent scratches from occurring.

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