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Repairing Scratched Xbox 360 Discs: Effective Methods

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Fixing scratched Xbox 360 Discs – Ways to Avoid The installation or repair of your scratched or perhaps unreadable Xbox 360 discs is a thing which can be a losing proposition. A complete breakdown of the choices can be found here:

Common Repair Techniques

Toothpaste Method:

How do you fix a scratched CD — this popular home remedy is to put a non-abrasive toothpaste on the disc. The toothpaste has silica which will fill in a lot of small scratches. To use this method:

Wet the disc.

Do not scrub it, apply the toothpaste in a circulair way from inner to outer

Leave it on for about 10 minutes, then rinse with water and pat dry12.

Deodorant and Vaseline

Others have had luck with white stick deodorant or vaseline. What these substances do is fill the scratches on the lens and create a smoother substrate for the laser to read:

Like toothpaste, apply deodorant but let it dry before cleaning.

Use petroleum jelly and apply a thin layer to the scratched area, clean with a piece of cloth after 5 minutes.

Services: Professional Disc Repair

If you are not comfortable with this method, or fail when attempted, there is a disc resurfacing that can be done at various game stores and video rental shops. These machines are also able to polish out deeper scratches which some household methods will not be able to remove.

Installing Scratched Games

Now, even if that disc is unreadable (as it often is during normal play), you can still install that scratch game on your Xbox 360 hard drive. Once installed, the console will actually be reading data from the hard drive and not the disc itself. To do this:

Put the scratched disc in your Xbox 360

Go to the game install-location →

If failed at some percentage, everyone try again to clean the disc or another way what was mentioned as #6.Xbox 360 repair (ad)

These are a few precautions and considerations (points to remember)

Round scratches are worse than radial ones Round (circular) scratches that go all the way around a disc can create more problems than those scratched along the direction of data loss (radial). Unfortunately, once the circular grooves reach a certain depth, they are irreparable.

Maintenance: Clean your discs and store in good condition making sure they aren’t scratched from the get-go. If you clean your Xbox’s disc drive regularly using a lens cleaner will help to keep it working6.

You might be able to fix your scratched Xbox 360 games and save yourself the headache of a permanent non-working disk and enjoying an interrupted game.

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