TroubleShooting For Push in GithubWhen you face issue while pushing to GitHub the first thing we need to think/resolver is on different angles. Below are some considerations and potential solutions:
Repository Configuration Error
Make sure to set the correct remote URL. Verify the URLs for fetching/pushing by using git remote -v If there is a mismatch, you may have to set the remote URL by doing:
bashgit remote set-url origin
AND also please look for typographical errors in the repository name or url format as this s will generate mistakes like “not a valid repo name” 14.
2. Permissions and Access Rights
Make sure you have the required permissions if pushing to a private repository. If you are not allowed to do something in a system, it will generally reflect an error message like “permission denied” If you are using HTTPS, make sure your credentials are correct or try authenticating with SSH which can be more reliable 45.
3. State of Local vs Remote Repository.
Non-fast-forward commit When your local branch is behind the remote branch, you are likely to get this described error. To solve this, do a git pull original master
bashgit pull origin master
Try pushing again after merging in any changes. If any collisions take place here, they must be reconciled before getting to the cram 35.
4. Network & Protocol implications
The Git protocol (git://)View usingHTTPSor SSH instead You can no longer push over the Git protocol in GitHub because of security issues.GitHub (ad) Use SSH with a command like:
$ git push :my_user_name/my_repo. git
It establishes a secure connection and solves the problems associated with protocol compatibility 24.
In this way, you can debug and fix other push problems in the GitHub by lightening configuration errors, permissions on server side local state settings & different network protocols etc.