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Sony’s PS3 Repair Services: An Overview

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Sony PS3 CECH-3000 Series (160GB & 320GB models) Officially Listed As End Of Service Repairs As of May 31, 2019 Sony has made the comercial decission to cease repairs Playstation 3 CECH-3000 series units. The company said this was largely due to a diminishing supply of spare parts, putting pressure on the business’s ability to support services. This prompted owners of these units to get repairs before the cutoff, especially those who still had these covered by warranty.

Release Dates Of Affected Models

After the cut-off date, following models would be entitled for after-sales service:

CECH-3000A NO VP (160GB) – June 2011

Release Date: June 2011 (CECH-3000B and 500GB model)


CECH-3000ATY (320GB) – Released September 2011

CECH-3000AK (160GB) / CECH-3000BK (320GB) – November 2011

CECH-3000BSB (320GB) – Novembro de 2011 (Lançamento)

CECH-3000BSR (320GB) – November 2011

CECH-3000BFF (320GB) – was released in December 2011

CECH-3000BOP (320GB) – Launched March 2012

Transitioning Support Focus

The decision to end the support for repair services is in line with a larger strategy that Sony is embracing to scale back its ongoing investment in legacy hardware and invest said resources into more modern gaming platforms, namely the PlayStation 5. It ceased production of the PS3 in 2017, which was quite an era to bring to a close – its predecessor sold more than 87 million units worldwide.PS3 Repair (ad) This trend is not only in the PS3, as other announcements have been made about dasung PSP, Passedernendon support to the older hardware in order to allocate resources to more recent tecnologías.


With 2013’s Stalemate Sony Ends Repair Service Officially Come to PlayStation 3 – For those still using the console, well this marks the end of official repair service, so get used to taking trips to third-party repair shops or consider moving on to new consoles. The PS3 has a lasting legacy, and many games are still cherished by players around the world. Yet as more and more of these parts vanish, keeping ancient systems running will only get harder4.

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