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Understanding and Addressing Heat Damage in Hair

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Heat Damage in Hair — What is it? Heat damage occurs when your hair gets heated up through the use of hot tools (most commonly a flat iron or blow dryer) This changes the shape of hair, especially making an impact on keratin composition which also leads to its texture and look.

What Is Happening When Heat Damage Occurs

Structural Changes – Heat will destroy the protein bonds in hair making each strand weaker and, therefore prone to breakage. This leads to loss of moisture and elasticity, as a result when dryness appears hair becomes soft yet firm12.

Raises/Chips the Cuticle: Another word for severe damage caused by heat is after — it can make rise or even chip parts of this outer layer called a cuticle. This damage lets moisture out, which contributes to dried-out hair and frizz12.

Oxidative Stress: Free radicals occur when hair cells are exposed to high temperatures causing oxidative stress and worsening the health of your hairs1.

Can You Reverse Heat Damage?

Although it is impossible to completely undo heat damage since some structural changes are irreversible, it includes useful actions we can do in order prevent and recover damaged hair;

Get regular trims; this can help prevent split ends from working their way inland23.

Deep Conditioning: If you want to aim for treatments with rich nourishing ingredients which carefully restore moisture levels. Found in protein-rich products like those containing keratin or argan oil14

Restoring Loss Proteins: Protein treatments help to restore loss proteins in the hair, improving its strength over time. If used properly they can help improve things to a good extent34, just be consistent with them!

Heat Protectants:Used before any heat strengthing, adding in some on a great warm protectant can establisha high temps and moisture buffer cutting up danger25.

No Heat- Free Days: Try and give your natural hair a break from heat tools. It is noted that this will help in reducing the stress on strands56 by embracing protective styles.

In summary, although heat damage cannot be fully reversed because of its effects on the structural integrity of hair, with a good care routine followed to undo it can help you much sooner than later.heat damage (ad)

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