Learning How to Do a Pull-UpIt is hard for many people to perform more than one pull-up, and there are different reasons why. Consider the following to buy an optimum cable:
The 6 Most Common Reasons Pull-Ups are so Difficult
Primariy are grip strength – an inability to hold onto the bar properly, Lifting Syndrome. This can also result in general fatigue of the muscles throughout the forearm and bicep, a limiting factor for completing an entire pull up12.
The most common reason is Muscle Imbalance – the Latissimus Dorsi, Spinal Erectors and Biceps are not strong enough. These muscles are vital to performing the pull-up movement.pull-up training (ad) This is a real performance limiting factor if these muscles are de-conditioned13.
Mind-Muscle Connection: A lot of people overlook the importance of establishing a good mind-to-muscle connection when performing an exercise, i.e., activating the correct muscle groups. This leads to a greater muscle activation and possible better performances4.
Strategies for Improvement
Section 12: Improve Grip Strength with Hand grippers, towel pull-ups, fingertip push ups.
Target individual muscle groups: Incorporate some isolated exercises to build your back and arm muscles during rows, lat pull-downs, and bicep curls. Strength Gain for Pull-ups 3;
I recommend using different things that can help with mind-muscle connection, exercises. Improving this connection with slow and controlled movements will translate to improved pull-up performance4.
If you address these problem areas, you can improve your pull-up performance and increase the strength of your entire upper body as a whole.