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Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea? Exploring the Underwater World of SpongeBob SquarePants

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“Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?” A closer look at the Underwater World of SpongeBob SquarePants is a journalists national magazine written about this Investigative journalism – it is simply hard to deny that most movies made in 2014 onwards fall into one of these categories:

The Uncool Pineapple Butt Area

Bikini Bottom is a place of many colours but, right there in the was a house that stuck out like sore thumb among all its neighbours. It is bright yellow and built into giant pineapple, surely to catch nectar from flowers in bloom year-round on land topside. Thing strange living inside such picturesque fruit shape as this we will just never understand. This residence is both home and castle for none other than our hero Sponge Bob! Besides his perennially low-key living space, composed of the usual so-called necessities – if potted plants count as needed food (and when do they ever not?), then where can you get better nourishment for half-nuthin’ after all? Besides being a pure spoken performance artist in many roles past and present having won nothing but humble laurels from others yet possessed character that this writer finds impossible to reproduce on stage or screen, dear sponge bob is also eager to show off off-screen himself – i.e. his house… As in life, where an actor’s art exists only within the frail framework of board and TV screen, where spare material always gets given preference over main body stuff like timber or steelwork etc., so too does one’s true home take second place–exaggerated on lies in print because it cannot bear scrutiny: take Gary, for example, Spongebob’s little animal friend The house features a reading room, a video room, a gallery, and an outdoor deck where SpongeBob often relaxes with Patrick Star, his best friend.

Friends and Neighbours

While Sponge Bob lives alone in his pineapple house, his neighbors are key to many episodes. To the left of the pineapple dwells Squidward with his Easter Island head house; to the right sits Patrick’s rock. This house-squishing arrangement greatly facilitates many comic situations and follies, one of the reasons fans love it.

Origins of the Pineapple House

Ever wonder how an uprooted pineapple got down under the sea? The story goes that it fell from a boat and landed on the sea floor. This random detail adds to our sense of absurdity – and affectionate amusement – as we see SpongeBob living his life enjoying life s for what it is.

Life in Bikini Bottom

Sponge Bob goes to work at the Krusty Krab fast food restaurant of which he is now manager in chief; he posts jellyfish with Patrick. Every aspect of Sponge Bob’s life is suffused with the wonders of the ocean, every pleasure and fantastic and surprise.

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